Dynamic Range Radio Presents: Halloween 2010 - October 29-31

If you only discovered Dynamic Range Radio this year you may not know that my annual Halloween broadcast always brings in a flood of new listeners. In 2008, there were more than 10,000 unique listeners tuning in throughout the day, and DRR ranked in the top 30 of all stations on SHOUTCast during the broadcast's peak hours. My regular servers were maxed out before 10am that day, and I had to add four more temporary servers just to keep up with the demand.

Unfortunately, the extra listeners that year didn't lead to extra donations, so I lost a frightening amount of money.

What I did last year was set up a password-protected server for supporting listeners that would guarantee them access to the Halloween show even when the free servers were maxed out. That worked really well last year, so I'll be doing the same in 2010.

Anyone who makes a donation of at least $10 in September or October will receive guaranteed access to the password-protected server, while everyone else will have to take their chances.

As a special thank you to people who've made donations this past year out of the kindness of their hearts, I'll be sending passwords to a select group of listeners who've already made sizable contributions in 2010.

Since Halloween falls on a Sunday this year I'm planning to play the Halloween broadcast all day Friday, October 29th, and then repeat it throughout the weekend. I might start the broadcast a few days earlier if the demand is there, so if you'd like to hear it start on Wednesday or Thursday that week, leave a comment here and I'll consider it, but the playlist should be roughly fourteen hours long this year so repeating it all week would probably be too repetitive.

And if you haven't figured out what you're going to wear on Halloween, I highly recommend looking at the costumes available on Amazon.com (see the link above) or BuyCostumes.com, a retailer I just signed up with. I was amazed by the craftsmanship that went into some of the costumes like the new Mad Hatter or Alice In Wonderland themed outfits, the Harry Potter robes, and the Star Trek uniforms. Plus there's the always reliable vampires, monsters, and Gothic themed outfits.

If you buy anything from either Amazon or BuyCostumes.com, Dynamic Range Radio will receive a healthy commission that will go towards keeping the station alive for another year.

Vamp10 - 10% off $40 or more


  1. Would be nice if you corrected "Ecelctic" in the stream title ;)

  2. Oops. Can you tell I set that up in a hurry? At least I got the genre tag right.


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